Welcome to the site of the artist Valentina Smolenskaya!

Valentina Smolenskaya lives and works in Moscow. In 1977 she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Technology as lacquer painting artist. She worked at the Fedoskino Factory of Miniature Painting for 6 years. This is an ancient Russian enterprise, an originator of Russian art lacquer painting. Today Smolenskaya is a a associate professor in the State University of Land Use Planning, Departament of Architecture, member of the Moscow union of artists. Since 1979 she has been taking an active part in the Moscow, regional and international exhibitions.

The works by Smolenskaya are found in the storages and the exposition of All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art, State Historical Museum, Museum of the Fedoskino Factory and private collections of The United States, Great Britain, France, Norway, Spain, etc.

Новая работа “Дачная жизнь”

Старая дачная жизнь москвичей конца XIX – начала XX века обычно проходила в живописной местности с рекой, лесами, полями. Состоятельные люди строили дачи для летнего проживания, а интеллигенция часто снимала поместья, домики, либо комнаты. Так в усадьбе Бабкино на реке Истре рядом с городом Воскресенском Антон Павлович Чехов снимал флигель у владельцев поместья Киселевых. В работе нет точной привязки к биографии Чехова, лишь...

“The Rite of Spring” exhibition

In the exhibition hall at 11 Kuznetsky Most st.,  “The Rite of Spring” exhibition opened on April 25, featuring my works: the boxes “Country life” and “Bright Easter,”  the panel “In that magical...

© 2025 Valentina Smolenskaya Яндекс.Метрика