
Valentina Smolenskaya lives and works in Moscow. In 1977 she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Technology as lacquer painting artist. She worked at the Fedoskino Factory of Miniature Painting for 6 years. This is an ancient Russian enterprise, an originator of Russian art lacquer painting. Today, Valentina Smolenskaya works as an individual artist and is an associate professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the State University of Land Use Planning, where she teaches specialized painting and specialized drawing. Valentina Smolenskayа is a member of Moscow Artists Union since 1991; she also joined the Creative Designers Union in 2011 and the Creative Artists Union of Decorative and Applied Art.

Since 1979 she has been taking an active part in the Moscow, regional and international exhibitions.


Her personal exhibitions are as follows:

  • 1994 – All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art, Moscow;
  • 1994 – Russian Collection Gallery, Chicago;
  • 1994 – Russian Collection Gallery, Washington, Atlanta, Chicago;
  • 1999 – showroom “Tushino”, Moscow;
  • 2000 – Jewellery Company of David Andersen, Oslo;
  • 2004 – Historical Museum “Greve”, Denmark;
  • 2005 – “Gallery Tonne a/s”, Norway;
  • 2006 – “Summer gallery”, Spain;
  • 2014 – anniversary exhibition artist settlement “Sokol”, library № 60, Moscow.
  • 2015 – exhibition “Confession in Color”, All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art, Moscow.

The rich inner world of the artist has permitted her creating a gallery of images derived from Russian history, literature, slavic and scandinavian mythology and from her own fantasies and concepts. The works by Smolenskaya are found in the storages and the exposition of All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art, State Historical Museum, Museum of the Fedoskino Factory, Museum of Slavic mythology and private collections of The United States, Great Britain, France, Norway, Spain, etc.

Diplomas, charters, awards:

Diploma of the exhibition in Greve history museum (Denmark)Letter of acknowledgementMedal  of the Moscow Artists UnionCertificate of participation in the exhibition War and Victory 1812Diploma for the casket Letter of commendation

Recent works
Country lifeQueens’ gamesPanel Panel (Русский) Греческие каникулыУдостоверение к медали Московского союза художников
© 2025 Valentina Smolenskaya Яндекс.Метрика